Category: Asia art
Tathagata Vairochana
Source: Museum Reitberg catalog pg. 18, read 2013-9-23 Based on Tibetan texts “Tathagata Vairochana sits at the center of the universe and also sits at the center of the Five Transcendental Buddha’s – the personification of the Five Wisdoms. In a cosmological system these are allocated five colors – white, blue, yellow, red, and, green…
Krishna – flute
Krishna – pastoral deity – avatar of Vishnu – link to Bhil tribespeople and flute playing. Images >David Beatty photography Dance
Poet Tulsi Das
Poet 16th century – wiki Famous for popular Hindi translation of Ramayana Hanuman Chalisa
Archaeological excavations from 1955
Source: Department of Archaeology, India Please note the markers on maps are broad references for now and will be refined with more scrutiny in due course. View Archaeological excavations India – 1954-1955 review in a larger map
Feminine beauty India
Source: Musée Guimet website “.. la femme demeure un thème de prédilection pour les sculpteurs, qu’ils soient bouddhiques ou brahmaniques. Elle apparaît, comme ici, sous un aspect traditionnel qu’elle conserve à travers les siècles : sensuelle. Le traitement naturaliste du corps, la rondeur des formes, la pureté et la grâce font de cette sculpture ….”